LHN Logistics

Dividend Policy & History

Dividend Policy & History

Our Directors intend to recommend and distribute dividends of not less than 40.0% of our Group's profit attributable to equity holders of our Company after adding back listing expenses and excluding non-recurring, one-off and exceptional items, whether as an annual dividend or an interim dividend for FY2022. In addition, our Directors intend to recommend and distribute dividends of not less than 40.0% of our Group's profit attributable to equity holders of our Company excluding non-recurring, one-off and exceptional items, whether as an annual dividend or an interim dividend for the subsequent two financial years comprising FY2023 and FY2024 as we wish to reward Shareholders for participating in our Group's growth.

Investors should note that the foregoing statement on the Proposed Dividends is merely a statement of our present intention and shall not constitute a legally binding obligation on our Company or a legally binding statement in respect of our future dividends, and may be subject to modification (including reduction or non-declaration thereof) in our Directors' sole and absolute discretion. Investors should not treat the Proposed Dividends as an indication of our Group's future dividend policy.

View our Offer Document here